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Factors that Influence Pipe Lining Costs

As a business owner, you understand the anxiety that comes with the possibility of finding a defective or impaired pipe on your property. It can be a daunting task, jeopardizing your daily activities and causing significant inconveniences. Ignoring broken pipes

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What Are the Signs of a Deteriorating Commercial Pipe?

Some of the oldest pipes in the world were created around 2,500 BC. Ever since then, piping has remained a very important factor in our everyday lives. This is especially true when it comes to commercial pipe options and applications.  The

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Do Frozen Pipes Always Burst?

Can you believe that Arizona recently tied the record for the coldest afternoon in the history of the state? In January, Arizona clocked in at 36 degrees Fahrenheit, which matched the temperature back in December of 1998. This type of temperature can

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Prepare Your Plumbing for this Winter

In the U.S., the second highest insurance claim filed is water damage due to burst pipes. Just because you file the claim with the insurance does not mean you will get reimbursed. Insurance companies are picky because they are about profits rather

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How Does Spray Coating Pipes Work?

What if your pipes were in major danger and you didn’t even know it? You can’t always get a good look at your pipes. And even when you can, you may not notice issues with corrosion and oxidation before it’s

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4 round wheel handles on a rusty pipe

How Does Cured-in-Place-Pipe Work

According to market research, the cured-in-place-pipe market is expected to grow by 5.1% and reach a value of $3.1 billion in 2027. One of the reasons that it’s growing so quickly is because of how popular and effective it is.  But

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Repairing and Coating vs. Replacing Pipes

Did you know that commercial pipes have a lifespan? When the pipes in your commercial building near the end of their life, you’ll experience more failures. These problems can lead to increased maintenance costs. You’ll eventually have to decide between repairing

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Relining Pipes with Primus Line: The Advantages

If you’ve noticed problems with the pressure, taste, or smell of the water in your home, your pipes may be succumbing to age and decay. On average, more than 300 gallons flow through them every day, and they pick up every problem caused

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Why it’s Important to Do Regular Grease Trap Cleaning

Fats, oils, and grease are the number one reasons why kitchens drains are slowed or completely clogged up. If you have ever worked inside of a restaurant, you’re probably already familiar with grease traps, as they are extremely important for kitchens to

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